NAPF and RTT at the NPT PrepCom



What is the NPT PrepCom?

At the NPT PrepCom, we held several events, including side events on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, youth empowerment, and addressing the legacy of nuclear weapons. On the more creative end, we featured the work of youth artists at our art exhibit showcasing art pieces from our partner the Marshallese Educational Initiative, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Kazakhstan, US, and Canada. Moreover, with our partners from frontline communities, we met with diplomats and explained to them why they should support nuclear justice initiatives, and even co-drafted and delivered an international youth speech presented to the diplomats.

RTT's engagement in international forums underscores the crucial role of youth in advocating for nuclear abolition. By empowering young activists to participate in global discussions and decision-making processes, RTT not only cultivates future leaders but also ensures that diverse perspectives are represented in efforts to achieve nuclear abolition.

Side Events Organized by NAPF/RTT at the PrepCom:

Nuclear Abolition: A World Free of Nuclear Weapons Side Event

This side event explored global efforts toward nuclear abolition, emphasizing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and the shift from hard security to humanitarian impacts. We discussed the role of civil society, frontline communities, and states like Kiribati and Kazakhstan in advancing nuclear justice. We also noted key resolutions, including the Vienna Action Plan, highlighting strategies for victim assistance and environmental remediation. We examined past and present initiatives and future strategies for achieving a nuclear-free world.

Addressing the Legacy of Nuclear Weapons

The event focused on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear testing and the role of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in addressing these issues. Speakers included: Zhangeldy Syrymbet, Counsellor at the Mission of Kazakhstan; Ambassador Doreen deBrum of the Marshall Islands; Benetick Kabua Maddison, Executive Director of the Marshallese Educational Initiative;  Raphael Pangalangan, Human Rights Officer, Environment and Climate Change Unit Development, Economic and Social Rights Branch Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; H.E. Ambassador Alexander Kmentt, Director of the Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Department of the Austrian Foreign Ministry; and Christian N. Ciobanu, Policy and Advocacy Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, RTT Project Coordinator, and TPNW Advisor for the Mission of Kiribati. Brock Walker, NAPF/RTT Nuclear Justice Campaign Manager, moderated the event. 

Youth Perspectives on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons

This event emphasized the vital role of youth in nuclear disarmament, focusing on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. Testimonies from nuclear-affected community members from regions like Kazakhstan, Kiribati, and the Marshall Islands highlighted the severe impacts of nuclear testing, including environmental damage, health issues, and intergenerational trauma. Youth representatives shared personal experiences, urging the integration of youth voices in disarmament efforts and calling for a global commitment to a nuclear-free future. Organized by Kiribati, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, the Marshallese Educational Initiative, and the Human Rights Conflict & Peace Student Initiative at the IHEID

Youth Speakers

Youth Statement

Co-Delivered by Pranathi Chintalapudi and Bobby Verhey of NAPF and RTT

On Delivering the International Youth Statement at the 2024 NPT PrepCom in Geneva

“The opportunity provided to me through RTT to collaborate with other passionate and talented Youth Activists from around the world to co-draft this statement was unparalleled. I was able to join an amazing community in the field of disarmament, and even had the honor of representing them when co-delivering the statement at the 2024 NPT PrepCom in Switzerland.”

—Pranathi Chintalapudi, Wellesley College

AUKUS Statement

Delivered by Thomas Huckans of NAPF/RTT

On Delivering the International Youth Statement at the 2024 NPT PrepCom in Geneva

“Having the opportunity to speak at the United Nations is very unique for a Summer internship. With RTT, I was able to attend the 2024 NPT PrepCom in Switzerland. At the Grand Palais in Geneva, I delivered the International Youth Statement on Nuclear Weapons. Reverse the Trend played a pivotal role in helping me get the chance to speak, and I am grateful for their help in making it possible!“

— Bobby Verhey, Williams College

Watch the Full Statement

On Delivering the AUKUS Statement at the 2024 NPT PrepCom

“Civil society organizations work best when we all come together, and I was honored to be able to step in and deliver the ICAN Australia statement when the original speaker was unable to attend. Giving such an impassioned statement was an unexpected outlet for my performing arts skills, and it was beyond surreal to have multiple ambassadors and delegates engage seriously with my remarks.

In addition, meeting inspiring activists from around the world highlighted the richness of the disarmament community. With Reverse The Trend, I was able to have many conversations with and attend side events hosted by diverse groups. Furthermore, I was lucky enough to meet with influential State delegations such as Ireland, Mexico, and the US.

This experience highlighted the importance of being a self-advocate as a youth, and my heartfelt thanks go to Reverse The Trend for facilitating this incredible opportunity.”

— Thomas Huckans, Williams College

Delegation Meetings

Meeting with Ireland

Youth Activists met with Ireland, where we discussed the relationship between the NPT and TPNW.

Meeting with the United States

Youth Activists met with the US Delegation to discuss its position on nuclear weapons

Meeting with Mexico

Youth Activists met with Mexico to discuss its views on nuclear disarmament and the relationship between the NPT and TPNW.

Meeting with Norway

Youth Activists met with Norway to discuss its position on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and legacy of nuclear weapons.

Meeting with the Chair of the NPT PrepCom

Youth Activists met with the Chair of the NPT and Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to discuss Kazakhstan’s priorities for the PrepCom.

Meeting with Representative of the ICRC

Youth Activists met with International Committee of the Red Cross to discuss about the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

Hope For A Better Tomorrow: Reflections on the Twin Existential Threats

NAPF-RTT-MEI Art Exhibit

"Hope For A Better Tomorrow: Reflections on the Twin Existential Threats" is not just a display of creativity; it is a call to action. These pieces amplify the voices of young people from frontline communities who have been directly impacted by the devastating effects of nuclear weapons and climate change.

Reverse the Trend (RTT) seeks to empower and uplift these voices, advocating for a world where the existential threats of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction are no longer looming over our heads. By showcasing this art, we aim to highlight the resilience and vision of the younger generation, urging all of us to strive for nuclear peace and a sustainable, green future.

This exhibit successfully manifests the mission of Reverse the Trend: Save Our People Save Our Planet (RTT), which aims to amplify youth voices, particularly those coming from nuclear-affected communities from the Marshall Islands and Kiribati. The exhibit—Hope For A Better Tomorrow: Reflections on the Twin Existential Threats—comprises art pieces created by youth from nuclear-affected communities. The art was various mediums and depicts various themes urging for nuclear peace, from paintings of nuclear explosions to pastel drawings of a green, peaceful world free of nuclear weapons. We would like to thank the Missions of Kiribati and Kazakhstan as well as the Marshallese Educational Initiative for co-sponsoring this exhibit with us.

Travel Day ReCap

Day 3 ReCap

Day In the Life Recaps

Day 1 ReCap

Day 2 ReCap